
How To Get Mission Xp In Naruto Ninja Storm 1

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  • #51
Actually I'd like to ask too, I love a good adventure, resolution doesn't carp, and the cost for the whole package seems great. I loved DBXV2 and I've got a trip coming upwards, and don't listen the gameplay beingness more straightforward, so anybody mind selling me on it?
There'due south a substantial amount of content, especially single thespian. I'd say go for it.
  • #52
No terrible gameplay merely play if you like naruto
  • #53
your view is only based on nostalgia

Nope. Unlike CC2, Eighting really knows how to make fighting games. Their portfolio of fighters destroys CC2'south from a mechanical perspective.

And that'south only Naruto games. There are so many better anime licensed games ameliorate than CC2's Naruto titles like Hokuto No Ken, .Hack series, Attack on Titan, Digimon etc.

  • #54
People request virtually Storm 1 looking for Office one to be represented well will be disappointed with information technology.

Get-go off, how it is structured is horrible. You lot do a bunch of random mini-game missions that are fun the first time simply then you end up repeating those except they're "harder" but so not really equally y'all nonetheless generally outset try them. You do that + take some random fight missions, some times they're missions from the actual story (like Naruto vs Neji) simply they take no cinematics. They are basically complimentary battle inside the story style.

At that place'due south only four major cinematic story parts in Storm 1's story mode. It's incredibly weak and past far the worst Tempest story mode. I'thousand not sure why some people in here are maxim it's adept. It's a slog to play through as you take to practise a agglomeration of non-story related missions before you can actually exercise anything story-related so that one story-related thing is usually just a boss battle and and so y'all're right dorsum to doing the same v mini-games and canon match-ups that you could just practice in gratis battle.

The just thing Tempest 1 has going for information technology is the fully realized Konoha hub. But there's... nothing in information technology except boxes, jars, and and then on to break and random walking NPCs; y'all talk to some NPCs for missions but that's it. It's otherwise pretty damn empty and not really fun to "explore".

Played it last yr and did not enjoy it that much.

  • #55
2 was hands the best one from a unmarried player standpoint, the gameplay is pretty much the same fanservice get-go antics throughout and then not much differences.
Though was 3 the first to add the substitution meter? that was a good change that fabricated certain that initiating attacks didn't experience stupidly punishable like information technology used to be
  • #56
Practice any of them take online battle mode?
  • #57
No terrible gameplay only play if yous like naruto
No punctuation makes this very confusing
  • #58
In that location good

Fun, albeit easy, fighters with tons of graphic symbol, keen music and visuals, and the story mode has incredible cinematic (asuras wrath) level moments.

Plus the single players are semi open earth with tons of content to exercise, although the side quests are pretty piss

  • #59
Yeah... but I literally take all of them on PS4 already. They are fun.
  • #60
They're shallow fighters with nice visuals. I idea they were mediocre to play even back when I was a Naruto fan.
This is the nicest way I tin put it.

I really wish they would port the PS2 games. Those were excellent.

  • #61
It's non all the games, just they're pretty good. Have a tacked on RPG elements that aren't great. The quaternary game just abandons it though for the all-time, though iv isn't on Switch.
  • #62
Played the 3rd for around 45 minutes on Switch now and my impressions are rather good. Was playing undocked only; resolution takes a noticeable hit, aye, especially the graphic symbol models in in-game cut scenes and on the character selection screen.
When in the fights you don't really observe much of the depression resolution imo. Shadows and the likes are there and in full outcome - don't know why they were missing in 1 of the gameplay footage videos in the other thread.

I'm quite pleased with the results only having the game at at least 600p and possibly more would've certainly helped the overall feel of information technology being polished.

  • #63
I would dear to get storm 4 hither eventually
  • #64
Game seems good plenty. What are the chances of nosotros go a new game from the GNT series?

Have a profound dearest for GNT 4

  • #65
I heard they're good but won't play them out of spite because the dude running the demo berth for one of them at a con I was at was a jerk.
  • #66
I would honey to get storm 4 here somewhen

What makes you recollect that Namco Bandai will do that if they tin't even get the old games to run nicely on a superior system? They would demand to step upwardly their game hard. Storm four should be the game with that lower resolution - not the old Tempest games that were good on the old consoles.
  • #67
What makes you lot think that Namco Bandai will exercise that if they can't even get the onetime games to run nicely on a superior arrangement? They would need to step up their game hard. Storm 4 should be the game with that lower resolution - not the onetime Storm games that were good on the old consoles.

Errr 1-3 runs at 900p. The weird portable resolution was a choice cause battery life is a matter to look at.
  • #68
Errr 1-three runs at 900p. The weird portable resolution was a choice cause battery life is a matter to look at.

Yeah if you believe that. It'south an ass port and I am once more disappointed in Namco. And fifty-fifty with these games running in 900p in dock mode (WOW!..Not really) Tempest 4 would run like ass for sure without whatever downgrades. They upgraded everything with that entry. The effects in the first fight would grill a Switch without downgrading them a lot.
Absent Breeze
  • #69
Been playing in portable and I think it looks pretty good, was expecting them to look worse given all the talk near 540p
  • #70
I was able to tape a video on tempest one cracking

Or is it the switch allowing it on all games now?

  • #71
I was able to record a video on storm ane neat

Or is it the switch allowing it on all games at present?

Nope. It'south a game/engine specific thing. Xenoblade 2 still doesn't have video recording. Either UE4 or Unity got video recording on Switch as a general engine feature few weeks ago.
  • #72
Been playing in portable and I retrieve it looks pretty expert, was expecting them to look worse given all the talk about 540p

The original games on xbox 360 ran at under 720p, i think it was 640p, and those looked groovy too
  • #73
Storm two and 3 are really actually skillful. 4 is a big letdown but has great gainsay.
  • #74
Any help here would be appreciated

I am doing these missions here on Storm 1 similar the story ones, for example fight kakashi, and some random ones (free missions?) like climb this tree.

But I even so have 0 mission XP for some reason, and it seems I need XP to go to the next story mission. Am I missing something?

Do I mayhap have to go somewhere to collect my mission XP?


  • #75
I played UNS3 on PC and I enjoyed it except for the incredibly unfun and not catechism final boss

Like damn they really should have simply ended it at the 5 kage fight because that was mode ameliorate

Thinking well-nigh getting UNS2 on Switch since it's generally considered one of the all-time. UNS3 wasn't particularly deep merely the product values were off the charts. There's a real impressive sense of spectacle.

  • #76
Are the special attacks presented differently in each game or are they recycled? Because if and so, I don't want to play them all. What would be the definitive edition?
Dash Kappei
  • #77
If you outset with 2, does the game do a skilful recap of the beginning game 'due south events?
  • #78
Storm 2 multiplayer is the best. Unlimited substitutions was so much fun.
  • #79
I am having so much fun online on storm 3
  • #80
three is not a bad game but they fabricated it then soon that they didn't accept plenty cloth to accommodate from the anime so they literally made stuff upward at the end lol. The Flare-up expansion added some stuff but it was notwithstanding messy and it's a shame 4 isn't available because it basically replaces it.
Are the special attacks presented differently in each game or are they recycled? Because if so, I don't want to play them all. What would be the definitive edition?
I don't recall they're always identical, and UNS1 particularly has the well-nigh exaggerated ones in the series, then if y'all're interested in the spectacle definitely don't skip that one. Look up a few on YT and compare information technology to the ones in any after game and y'all'll go what I hateful.
If y'all showtime with 2, does the game do a good recap of the first game 'south events?
I THINK at that place's a serial of missions that comprehend the first game'southward fights, just they're extremely simplified without cutscenes or any of that.
  • #81
If you start with 2, does the game do a proficient recap of the first game 's events?
No. I call up there's optional recap missions similar Opa-pa mentioned merely the actual game/story just assumes you know what happened pre-timeskip. I merely started playing yesterday and I was honestly surprised at how the game just starts postal service-timeskip without providing any context as to what Naruto was doing before then.

UNS3 is even worse about this considering at least the start of the timeskip makes sense as an entry point of sorts, whereas UNS3 only starts right after a massive status-quo-altering arc without really addressing it at all.

  • #82
If y'all are fan of the anime they are must haves

Beautiful games too

  • #83
Beautiful looking games only mediocre gameplay. I'd play Naruto Shippuden: Disharmonism of Ninja 3 with Gamecube controllers instead.
  • #84
Are the special attacks presented differently in each game or are they recycled? Considering if so, I don't want to play them all. What would be the definitive edition?

Storm ane has super over the acme specials, but then it went downhill from there considering they were too long for the 2d game'due south online.
Storm 2 has the worst ones.
Storm 3 has all the ones present in the second game and new decent ones.

Storm 4 has amazing ones, but yes it isn't included.

  • #85
The beginning thing to note well-nigh the game is that the controls for these games are the definition of uncomplicated:


The skill ceiling stops at how well you lot can your chakra, your iv substitutions, assist attacks, & combo cancels.

I mean, if you're playing the game like this, you're getting beat.

The thing I detest well-nigh hte storm series the most is that information technology's an arena shooter. You basically use your assists as guns and try to lock downward the enemy that way so you can do a high damage set on at long or medium range. Unless you're using rock, who is bugged, if yous're using any normals, you are playing that game incorrect.

Game seems skillful enough. What are the chances of we get a new game from the GNT series?

Take a profound dear for GNT 4

Absolute 0. Just similar the states getting a collection of the INFINITELY superior 2d ps2 Narutlimate games.
Chief Malik
  • #86
Yes if yous believe that. It's an ass port and I am once more disappointed in Namco. And fifty-fifty with these games running in 900p in dock style (WOW!..Not really) Storm 4 would run similar donkey for sure without whatever downgrades. They upgraded everything with that entry. The effects in the first fight would grill a Switch without downgrading them a lot.
The simply upgrade storm iv got is the effects. I don't know why these games aren't 60fps on consoles when they are on my gaming laptop with a worse GPU than OG PS4. 1080p too.
  • #87
So I bought the trilogy and seems fun thus far! The resolution is a shame but I was surprised that it looked decent on my 4K Tv set. Usually games that are lower than 1080p tended to look pretty bad.

The first game does seem odd though. Not much story at the moment. I hope there is more cutscenes later on.

And then aye, plays good thus far! I think information technology's a fairly decent port!

  • #88
I never watched a single Naruto episode. Volition I bebable to follow the story anyhow?
  • #89
I never watched a single Naruto episode. Will I bebable to follow the story anyway?

Cartel I say, yous will become a improve produced, better told story.

You'll still have to purchase 4 seperately though, but the storm series are FANTASTIC primers for the Naruto series.

  • #xc
Tempest ii is the all-time one out of the trilogy. 2 and iii are both proficient though. 4 is peachy too, but I don't remember it'south on the switch.
2 > 4 > 3 > 1
  • #91
Played 3 online last night.

Got a victory, just information technology felt cheap since my opponent was using Hinata and I went in with the 4th Hokage lol

  • #92
I hear it's a pretty skillful way to experience the story. I stopped when Shipp came out and I don't have it in me to read the manga or watch the anime.
  • #93
I never watched a single Naruto episode. Will I be able to follow the story anyway?
In the 1st game, non really. Events are summarized with text. You lot'll know what happened generally, only most of the character development is completely skipped.

ii and 3 are good retellings of Shippuden until masked man though.

Storm two multiplayer is the best. Unlimited substitutions was then much fun.
It actually wasn't though.

Had my fun with 1 and 2 only mashing the sub button and connecting with the special everytime wasn't good gameplay.

With substitution limits and reliability, the game finally gained some depth.

I hateful, if you're playing the game like this, you're getting beat.

The matter I detest almost hte storm series the nearly is that it's an arena shooter. You basically apply your assists as guns and try to lock down the enemy that way then you can do a high damage attack at long or medium range. Unless yous're using rock, who is bewitched, if you're using any normals, you are playing that game wrong.

Information technology's much easier to spam in these games than almost others, but information technology can be easy to beat with skilled motility and well timed dashes.

My gameplay style is wholly dependant on combos. In my feel in one case you striking higher ranks, spammers are uncommon.

Any assistance here would be appreciated

I am doing these missions here on Storm one like the story ones, for example fight kakashi, and some random ones (free missions?) like climb this tree.

Merely I still have 0 mission XP for some reason, and it seems I need XP to get to the next story mission. Am I missing something?

Do I mayhap have to become somewhere to collect my mission XP?


Prior to this I had just played random missions from Storm 1's story mode but never actually experienced the village gameplay much.

It'southward a mess.

You lot demand to practise S-D rank missions to get mission XP (bank check the details, information technology'll tell yous if you get XP).

The tricky role is you need to talk to the villagers to take the XP missions show up in you log. In the beginning, y'all demand to talk to the NPCs around the central area (Ichiraku, flowers, etc). Then do the first gratuitous story missions and collect what you need. The first couple NPCs are connected. Giving one flowers volition become you lot ramen ingredients to open the store and so on.

The scrolls and stuff that appear following a mission modify each time you consummate ane. If you don't collect everything before you complete another mission, y'all miss the opportunity.

Terminal edited:
Dedication Through Light
  • #95
1st one has the best menu theme song music though.

Platinum on PS3 on two, was a fun feel

Also 100% on Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, but similar the thread title, it seemed to take been forgotten.


2 is probably my favorite of the games. 1 had the good running on walls jutsu and exploring the village was fun fifty-fifty if some of the modest missions were a bit of a drag in parts.

  • #96
Nope. Dissimilar CC2, Eighting actually knows how to make fighting games. Their portfolio of fighters destroys CC2's from a mechanical perspective.

And that's just Naruto games. At that place are and so many better anime licensed games amend than CC2'due south Naruto titles like Hokuto No Ken, .Hack series, Attack on Titan, Digimon etc.

I'm sorry, but .Hack and Assail on Titan are by no ways meliorate than the Storm games. Or improve than any game, really. They're pretty bottom of the barrel in terms of presentation, mechanics, and overall just terrible packages.
  • #97
They're the best way to go the Naruto story if you don't want to read through all the manga.
  • #98

I'm pitiful, just .Hack and Attack on Titan are by no means better than the Storm games. Or better than any game, actually. They're pretty bottom of the barrel in terms of presentation, mechanics, and overall just terrible packages.

Lies. If there was one affair CC2 was proficient at, it was presentation. Cutscenes for both . Hacks looked great for their fourth dimension, and their flair for spectacle could be seen every bit early every bit G.U. They were likewise much meliorate written than Naruto equally a whole equally well.
  • #99
So years ago, I read the Naruto manga upwardly to the betoken of the Shippuden timeskip. Can I skip the story mode of the first game? I get that there was probably some filler stuff from the anime incorporated into it, but if it'southward not really important, I'd rather start with the Shippuden stuff
  • #100
So contemplating the trilogy for a trip I got. Still new to anime but enjoyed dragon ball and mha. Would I like this if I had no issues with xbc2 resolution and had a blast with DBXV2. Merely other game I'm considering is heaven rogues, simply different genres


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